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Seal of Approval: Highly Recommended!

After six years and ever increasing numbers in users it was time for the German Movie and Media Rating Board - Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung (FBW) to relaunch its website. In order to meet the changing demands and usage to its website, the FBW opted for a responsive website.

After six years and ever increasing numbers in users it was time for the German Movie and Media Rating Board - Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung (FBW) to relaunch its website. In order to meet the changing demands and usage to its website, the FBW opted for a responsive website.

While the backend is still based on Smyfony, the website itself has a completely new look. JavaScript gallery instead of a flash slider, larger images and faster loading time by reloading content (lazy loading). Classic navigation of a page is still available when JavaScript is deactivated, otherwise the whole page can be accessed by scrolling (infinite scrolling). Constantly new movie reviews are now conveniently accessible on smartphones as well. 

We are very proud of our long lasting cooperation with FBW and are curious about what the next six years will have in stock!


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